Botswana Safari

Safari in paradise!

Safaris in Botswana are still wild and for the most part unspolit. With their policy of low volume, high cost, most places in Botswana have benefited by having been able to maintain their natural wildness.

In addition to the traditional game drives in 4×4 safari vehicle and game walks, Botswana offers the added excitement of exploring some of its wilderness areas in mokoro and in game boat cruises.

The original mokoro was a dug out log that was propelled by a poler. Today, the original wood mokoro has been replaced, for the most part, by a plastic mokoro (some even have glass bottoms) but still propelled by a poler.

Boats range from small tender boats, to double-storey game viewing boats, specially designed fto have a view over the reed-beds, to luxury house-boats.

There are few safari options that are as unique as Botswana.


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